We're Bringing Innovation to the Carbon Markets

Snow on mountains


We are a leading developer of carbon offset projects using new and innovative technologies. Companies come to us when they want to bring new carbon assets to the marketplace. And with cleaner technologies developing at a furious rate, we're bringing that innovation to the carbon market. 

Companies that have technologies to lower greenhouse gases (GHGs) can earn additional revenues and potentially even finance projects through the sale of carbon offsets. Many offset buyers are particularly interested in new areas, such as carbon removal.

About Us

Carbonomics® is a global leader in helping businesses realize the potential of carbon credits in the US and international emission trading markets.  Carbonomics identifies GHG reduction opportunities, determines how projects can generate carbon credits, and guides companies through the entire process – from project inception to annual verification.  We also help find buyers for carbon credits and investors in projects.  In short, we jump through the hoops so our clients don’t have to!

Carbon offsets are not easy – they require approved methods for quantifying the GHG reductions, extensive monitoring plans and third-party verification.  Carbonomics manages everything to ensure projects successfully navigate this complex process.   

Our key areas include include but are not limited to:

Low emission

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)


Blue Carbon

circular economy

Plastics/Circular Economy

Eco house

GHG Reductions in Cement and Concrete




Organic Waste Management


Methane Reductions in Industry and Livestock

Green house


Small-Scale Energy Efficiency and Renewables

Project Highlights


Sargassum is a genus of macroalgae commonly found in the Caribbean – and it’s causing major problems. 


Carbonomics drafted the first carbon capture and utilization methodology, now published on Verra, which helped transform CarbonCure's business.


Carbonomics recently partnered with Karbonetiq, to develop high-quality carbon removal projects.


We manage the entire process and jump through the hoops so our partners and clients don’t have to!

New Methodology Approval
This can actually be the most challenging part. Carbonomics can assess a project's ability to adhere to an existing methodology, or we can write a completely new one if required.
Project Identification & Feasibility
Will the project meet all registry guidelines on additionality, stakeholder consultations, baseline and monitoring requirements? This includes an assessment of overall feasibility for the project to generate carbon credits and find buyers in the market.
Project Design Document (PDD)
Development of all project documentation and how the project conforms with registry guidelines.
Conformance with Carbon Standard
Manage the independent audit process and all other tasks necessary to register the project, thus making it eligible to generate credits.
Project Start Up
When the project becomes operational, we can start to measure and monitor the emission reductions
Measuring Emission Reductions
We can monitor emission reductions, identifying and solving problems before they start impacting the actual credits issued. This is referred to as "credit yield management."
Getting Credits Issued
We can draft all monitoring reports and manage auditor verification until the process is complete and credits are issued and sold.
New Methodology Approval
This can actually be the most challenging part. Carbonomics can assess a project's ability to adhere to an existing methodology, or we can write a completely new one if required.
Project Identification & Feasibility
Will the project meet all registry guidelines on additionality, stakeholder consultations, baseline and monitoring requirements? This includes an assessment of overall feasibility for the project to generate carbon credits and find buyers in the market.
Project Design Document (PDD)
Development of all project documentation and how the project conforms with registry guidelines.
Conformance with Carbon Standard
Manage the independent audit process and all other tasks necessary to register the project, thus making it eligible to generate credits.
Project Start Up
When the project becomes operational, we can start to measure and monitor the emission reductions
Measuring Emission Reductions
We can monitor emission reductions, identifying and solving problems before they start impacting the actual credits issued. This is referred to as "credit yield management."
Getting Credits Issued
We can draft all monitoring reports and manage auditor verification until the process is complete and credits are issued and sold.


Carbonomics co-developed a new methodology on the Verra registry, which unlocked a world of opportunity for our business. With the approved method – now VM0043 – we entered the voluntary carbon market with a high integrity, high value credit offering, which has attracted leading buyers such as Shopify, Deloitte, BMO and Lufthansa, and this has greatly expanded our ability to scale.

Ingy El Kafrawy, CarbonCure

We take sargassum that is rotting on Caribbean shores and turn that waste into useful products. The result is that the material no longer goes to landfill, and since we’re starting a totally new industry, carbon offsets are key to de-risking our work and thus a crucial part of our strategy. Carbonomics wrote the methodology that now makes our projects eligible for Gold Standard credits.

Geoff Chapin, CEO of Carbonwave

Carbonomics was instrumental in our carbon accreditation journey. Carbonomics shepherded the process from initial engagement to methodology approval, ensuring openness throughout. The ability to generate reputable, audited credits will provide our clients with confidence that our technology is decarbonizing their emissions in an impactful, quantifiable way.

David Samad, Chief Strategy Officer of Stillstrom

Generating carbon offsets is a challenge, even for us who have been doing it for years. Carbonomics makes the process much more seamless and a lot less painful. I’m not sure how we’d do it without them.

Jared McDonald, VP of Environmental Management of KC, LLC

Track Record

We've developed the following projects and methodologies:

Sargassum Removal

This methodology applies to projects that utilize Sargassum and/or other ocean-based macroalgae waste biomass to produce useful products, including bioplastics. The methodology quantifies GHG emission reductions achieved by avoiding waste biomass reaching landfills and displacing more carbon-intensive products and materials.

Composting/Small-Scale Organic Waste Diversion

Carbonomics developed a new methodology for decentralized composting and other waste diversion for when the baseline landfill destination is not known.  This approach is well suited for on-site waste processing and small-scale composters that are widely distributed.

The Carbon Market

A multi-billion dollar market has developed across the world for carbon emission permits and reduction credits, offering companies that reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) the opportunity to earn additional revenues. 

In recent years, the voluntary carbon market has taken off because more and more companies are seeking carbon neutrality. Corporations large and small are looking for high-quality carbon offsets, but only if they meet strict criteria. 

That’s where Carbonomics comes in. We help companies with GHG-reduction technologies navigate the complexity of bringing their projects to the carbon market. We work closely with all of the main registries that issue carbon offsets, which are also eligible under certain compliance programs, such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). We are also taking the lead in developing new methodologies under Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement.

Carbon Market

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